Icon of Minecraft Server Just Bucket v3 Java Bedrock

Minecraft server Just Bucket v3 Java Bedrock

McMMO, economy focused. Jobs to earn money. All standard commands like /home /tpa /spawn /warp etc

1762 Position
0 out of 50
1762 place
Voting for the server
153 votes
Server description

Just Bucket - Smp, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments, Ranks, Discord, active community. Experienced Developer
java ip: justbucket.minecraft.best
Come be a part of a growing community!
Bedrock version IP
Do you like Minecraft? Want to create awesome builds? Play with friendly people? Talk in the discord?
All this while surviving nights and discovering new land? Then join us today, you wont regret it!
The plugins in this semi vanilla server are designed to not intrude upon the Survival/Vanilla aspect of Minecraft, while also providing a griefer-free and streamlined friendly community experience.
We offer GriefPrevention, Economy systems, jobs, McMMO and all the normal home, spawn, tpa and warp commands!
We also have vein mining, Break one block in a vein of ores, and the rest will come with it. This also works with tree's!
Tired of mining and crafting? We've got alternatives for those looking for a change of pace:
Player based economy, and player trading. Use chest shops to sell or buy while you're online or offline, or trade directly with players while online.
Finally, we have a friendly staff with multiple ranking systems and room to advance throughout the server and staff. Player, member, helper, moderator and higher.

Mob collection
Tropical Fish 1
Panda 1
Creeper 1
Help the server find new mobs for the collection :) It's free and fun!
Find a mob
Book of complaints, problems and errors
Book of complaints
If you notice incorrect information or inappropriate content on this page, or encounter any problems with this server, please report it. The rating administration and the project owner will try to help you. Let's improve Minecraft servers together!
What affected the server position? updated 5 minutes ago

In this section, only server Just Bucket v3 Java Bedrock is discussed with all its pluses and minuses. Advertising, swearing and insults are forbidden.
